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Computer History Museum (CHM) will honor Steve Jobs

The Computer History Museum (CHM) will honor Steve Jobs in a virtual exhibit including a rare presentation by the former iCEO. The exhibit is called “From the garage to the world’s most valuable company” and tracks Apple from its beginning to its recent rise to the top.

The exhibit puts its collection of Apple-related material in the limelight with photos of the Apple I, an original Homebrew Computer Club newsletter and early pictures of Jobs in highschool.

"For some crazy reason in the universe, two people from Los Altos and Cupertino, California managed to want something that just so happened to be what about a million other people wanted," CHM’s curator Dag Spicer says.


What’s most interesting probably though is the rare video footage in which Jobs speak about how much luck had to do with the founding of Apple computers. Hit the source link below to tour the virtual exhibit.

via phonearena

Posted by Rey Silvania on 11:26 PM. Filed under , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0

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